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Saturday, March 26, 2011

Let us support the EARTH HOUR 2011!!

If you love our mother earth, then let us support the EARTH HOUR campaign. At 8:30PM this Saturday, March 26, 2011, all lights in our household premises will switch off and no appliances will be turn on for one hour. This is a campaign around the globe, to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change.

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The Book of Shadows (The Dark Side) said....

Yes, I did.. In fact, I took a two hour.. :)

ladyguinevere28 said....

I would like to join this one, but sad to say we are not informed about it. I am always late when it comes to news. better luck next time.

lina@women's perspectives said....

I can't participate, I was on the car ride to back home from another town...
Have a great week, Star :)

Star-chuu said....

@Krislin Neo: Wow!! cheers for that Kris!!

Star-chuu said....

@ladyguinevere28: don't worry you can still do it next year. Thanks for the visit.

Star-chuu said....

@lina@women's perspective: Have a great week lina!! Please be safe in driving and take care.

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