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Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Thanks to Bill of My Piece of Paradise, my new friend who have a very cool blog and DJ Tammy of Anything Under The Sun a certified Sexy Hot Mom for this hot mom award. It made me smile and enjoy while looking at this HOT MOM AWARD...hahahha....

I don't think if I am hot...maybe I consider myself HOT the way how I love my pretty daughter and my cute son. I am a hot lover which is the reason why my daughter and my son are in love with me. hehehehe..I will pass this award to Shydub, Cacai, twinks and to other hot mom bloggers.

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Bill said....

I think your a hot mama and a great friend. Thanks for posting it star. I hope you have a great week and give hugs to your kids from you. Chow

Blogger Rise said....

really hot mom award :D

mingus said....

nice one! u r definitely a hot mom!

hopeful said....

I think you're a hot momsy ever.

Star-chuu said....

Hi Bill, thanks for the making hot mama..heheh...your welcome Bill, I really love the award..its soo hot..hehehe.

Star-chuu said....

@Blogger Rise, Stanis and Hopeful
hhhmmmmm...thanks guys!! now i know i am a hot mama...hehhe

Unknown said....

Wow, another award from you again star, ang dami ko ng utang dito ah hehehe. thanks my friend for the award you really are such a great friend. Kita ko imu mga post below, wow todo natu hehehe. Congrats sa mga awards star.Have fun blogging!

twinks said....

Hi te. Oi you are one Hot Momma kaya! asus! thanks for passing this to me te. Hala tapos na bya ko post ani...hehehe... will update my list na lang ang include your link ha..mwahugs!

Cacai M. said....

Hello there Pretty and Hot Momma Star, thanks for this mah friend. Here's my entry for this award you've given to me:

Thanks a lot again. I hope more to come. hehe.. muahhh!

David Funk said....

You're are indeed one hot mama! Plus, I love the name Star, too!

Congrats on the award my sweet and hot friend!:)

Lollii-Pii said....

hot ka pala ma??..ako cold..that's why we're much incompatible..kidding..
You deserve the award^^..AJA!!

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