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Saturday, March 14, 2020

Taiwan Escapade

One of my goal in my life is to travel.  This is the only escapade that can help me to refresh from stress  and payoff of my hardwork.  I feel like Ideserve something great for myself so this is the way to celebrate my blessing. 

Fortunately, sometime on March 20-25, 2019, I had the privilege to travel in Taiwan.  In terms of travelling to other countries, I am so much aware of  ”Visa regulation. " Actually I dislike the thought of applying for Visa because I had been disapproved for two times.  So, when my group of friends, told me that Taiwan's visiting visa was dismissed in order to attract tourism in their country, I took this opportunity to travel with them. 

Taiwan actually is the last country that I explored so far, before the ncov19 became epedemic around the globe. 

 I was spoiled with their incredible attractions and been trapped in every characteristics of perfection of each nature we’ve visited. I also observed their foods, taste them all deliciously except sea foods, which i am allergic to it. 😂.. Upon touching down the said country, we directly went to Shelingpark in Taipie.  Some pictures here was our daily tour included in our travel package.  Be with me in this journey, my friends.

Yehliu Geopark

Shifen Waterfall, Taipie

Seafoods and vegetables delicacies.

Taipie 101


Rainbow Village

City Walk

Sun Moon Lake

Chung-She Flower Garden

Waiting for someone to stand by me.

  My Taiwan escapade was a great memories that remains in my heart.  I don't know where is my next destination but I  praying that the next travel maybe I am already with my future partner, which I am waiting for a long time.

Thank you so much for having time and part of A Maiden's Testimony travel journey.  Enjoy reading!

sweet temptation

Saturday, February 22, 2020

=Betrayal =

     Betrayal caused us trouble and struggle, that sometimes our relationship shall be in suffering situation. In every journey we have, we met different people, they came to leave footprints in our life.  

       I just want to share my testimony of having experienced of being betrayed by a friend. A friend  been part in my life for almost 3 years, wherein she attained my trust.  We have a lot of good memories and the most part that I never forget about her was, she is openly shared mostly her past that made me felt comfortable.  Along of our friendships I also discovered something about her good behavior, how she fight her life for her family.  But despite of some good things I've noticed there are some characteristic that I really felt dismay.  

    Anyways, being betrayed is one of a reason why I become more careful in choosing a friend, I put boundaries to protect myself.  I believe these circumstances happened to me lately, are part of my refinery and maturity.

     Unfortunately, when my birth month was approaching, I ended up in the situation of being bitterness due to the unfaithfulness of a friend. This is the most downfall birthday that I had; I suffered physically and emotionally. I wasn't able  to protect myself and never been wise in dealing some transactions from her. I realized that the TRUST, INTEGRITY and CREDIBILITY i worked for a long time, was in trouble. Facing this kind of dilemma made me vulnerable. 

I don't know what I gonna do, as maybe people been involved in the said scenario.  Do I need to choose my integrity? or to protect someone who is in trouble? I decided to obey the words I heard from them, though, it was against my heart,  “white lies”, is a word of saving someones dignity. In this stage, I thank my bosses for their brain storming, helping me and comforting me in my helpless spot. 

     Once in our life, we don’t know what happened or why all this thing happened to us.

   Sometimes, we become the subject and willing victim, that caused us to destruction and we never noticed that our positive journey should be affected.  In life, we need to learn the lesson, and be settled of what we believed.  I affirm that our wisdom can help us to overcome every complication we are facing in our progress of ability.  The most important is we value to learn more from every mistakes we have.  

    Enjoy reading and thank you so much for catching your time reading a Maiden’s Testimony.!  💖 

sweet temptation

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Till we met again.. 😂 Friendship goals

High School friends are those friends that we became part in our youthful journey. This stage was the start point of learning and exploring to interact socially with friends, classmates and other people. When I was in 3rd year highchool, i was separated with my 2 bestfriend lilia and janet as i was assigned in a lower section. 😂 Of course, i felt sad, but i need to move on.  Until, i met Anita and Gerita, as we are seatmates  in the same row, until we've become friends. We named our group as 3marias.

We enjoyed our company and become part in each family.  But, we separated our ways when we graduated from high school. We've met other friends in college and we had already don't know each whereabouts. Until, we became busy in building different journey of our life, along those journey, our friendship had been tested through miss understanding, but our relationship become more strong because of the forgiveness and understanding the situation we've been through. 😂 

Fortunately, we've met and decided to reunited and we patched up to rebuild our friendship. Actually, our time are more  memorableand lovable

I treasured this relationship that we had, I am truly blessed having them as my friends, I appreciate their gesture they extended with me, their love, care and kindness. 

To you Jie, thank you so much for not forgetting me, i appreciate your time and extending your helped when I was in my  deepest struggle. I am grateful  being your friend.

To you Ann, I'm sorry for judging you, thank you for the forgiveness. I am happy witnessing your life as a successful one same as you jie, in the highest level of your life, you both still humble. 

You are special in my heart, I love you both and may we continue our journey of friendship until we are in old age.  I also pray that God will bless our relationship that our children and other friends will witness so they shall be blessed.

Here are some young memories we have. 😂 

 The moment we met is just like we conquered the world of friendship. 😂
 We look young and pretty at this age.. 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
May God bless our relationship and give us the opportunity to enjoy and explore our remaining time.

Thank you so much for dropping by in a maiden's testimony. 😂 😂 😂 

sweet temptation

Monday, April 8, 2019

Essence of Life

She is a  pretty old woman of which her existence made her vulnerable. 😂 Life for her is not as easy go lucky like other, this maiden's journey had given her wisdom that brings her more great things in her life. She is not rich in material things but she is rich of joy, peace, love and kindness. This maiden believes that the essence of life is not what you have, who is with you and how famous you are. It is how you become contented of what you have, being thankful, be kind, forgive those who hurt you and ask also forgiveness to those you hurt. Be prayerful and give time to meditate. Always ask God for wisdom, trust and believe God for everything.  That's how a maiden's life enduring the great blessings GOD bestowed in her life.

Prayer: Dear Father in Heaven, thank you so much for everything, may you continue to filled my heart with joy, shield it by peace and love, crowning me by your mercy, grace and favor. In beloved name of Jesus. Amen.

sweet temptation

Thursday, February 28, 2019

My First Devotional for March 2019

James 1:12 Blessed is eh man that endureth temptation; for when he is tried, shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hat promised to them that love Him.


In every  temptation and difficult that we have in life, we know that only god can help us.  Trusting  and believing God in the midst of our hardship, He promised us for a crown in heaven, because of our faith with Him.  Obeying the word of God is help us and guide us to a right path and to every decision that we are about to do.  In every trials and temptation is one of a way in testing and maturing  our faith.  In every difficulty we have God is the one who gives us wisdom how to handle everything.  So stay firm of your faith to God as I do as well.

My prayer.

Dear God, my beloved Father, thank you so much for everything, may you help me and protect me and my family from any harm and temptation.  Guide me always in every decision that I have, help me to do good and right things that will glorify your name.  I honor you God and thank you so much for crowning me of your tenderkindness love, mercy and favor.  Thank you Lord Jesus for healing and freedom.  Amen.

sweet temptation