This is the most anticipated moment that I linger for a long time. I am one of the most loving fans of AIR SUPPLY and I can’t even imagine that one day I can see them personally and touch their hand on a flesh.
Back in the year 1987, I with my family gathered together every Sunday just to watch the Air Supply Concert in Hawaii through Betamax. That’s the day that I got in love to Air Supply, and imagining while watching them singing on the TV. I trance one day, I be able to watch their live concert.

Wow!! This is a wonderful night with Air Supply!!
Now, just only one snap, I am in front of the AIR SUPPLY LIVE CONCERT!!! OMG!! I can’t believed it, I though this is only a dream. But it’s not!!! Because when I am able to raise my hand to catch the attention of Russel Hitchcock and Graham while singing. Guess what?? I tried to stand in front of the lower stage to get some chance to hold or shake their hands. And I am right!! Russel and Graham, thank you so much for holding my hand for a second, Thank you because you did hold it and this is the most wonderful moments that I treasured a lot, I never forget this wonderful night. I feel dying and in love again to no one…hahahahah!!!.
Likewise, I spoiled my night with Air Supply and when one of the bands throws the white towel to us. I strongly pulled it from those who are trying to get it…at last!! Hahahah…I have it. I seize this chance since this is simply once in my life.

Thanks, to my vitamins, I have a power to pulled the towel.
A las!!I have a souvenir from the band!!
And I planned to print the entire picture in this towel..what do you think guys?
Ohhhh…wait, I just want to thanks my daughter who won the third prize from the Air Supply What Song are You contest? Organized by Mr. Bariles. Those who want to read her entry, just click her site she received 1 ticket for free and her name is in the guest list and she offered it to my mom, together with us is our adopted son Kenken. My daughter wasn’t able to watch the concert since she has an examination scheduled for the next day. I also gave my extra ticket (General Admission) to my friend Aem, my EC dropper.


Thanks, to sis Cidy who took the picture with Air Supply background..hehehe!!
Only Lainy's mom had given a chance to hugged Russel, sad because no one who take the picture when she hugs him...hehehe...better luck next time mommy!!

What a sweet and lovely smile from Lainy, Lainy's Mom, and Cidy

Another lovely and sweet smile from us!!! PEACE!!!

another shot from lovely ladies: Lainy, Lainy's mom and Cidy

I and Kuya Lito
How do their songs relevant to our love story?
I do love all their songs, it’s too lovely and though I am not quite good in singing I duet on their song every time I heard in the radio or in the tv. They are the reason why “I become a trying hard copycat” hehehehe…. I am too much in love with their song, my cellular phone ring tone is one of their song.
Their melody speak too much directly to your heart. The significance of the libretto is a true confession of our special sequence of our love story. Their piece of music has an exceptional love star but sometimes it tells us that we are not all propitious to the world of love. Their song confirm that love gave us excitement whatever risk that we take from it. Their songs presented us the chance to enjoy the essence of love although this is not perfect. Their song made us in love and letting us to connect to someone we love and we lost.
Guys, visit the Air Supply Site updates!!
Thank you and more power to all!! this is A MAIDEN's TESTIMONY.