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Saturday, February 22, 2020

=Betrayal =

     Betrayal caused us trouble and struggle, that sometimes our relationship shall be in suffering situation. In every journey we have, we met different people, they came to leave footprints in our life.  

       I just want to share my testimony of having experienced of being betrayed by a friend. A friend  been part in my life for almost 3 years, wherein she attained my trust.  We have a lot of good memories and the most part that I never forget about her was, she is openly shared mostly her past that made me felt comfortable.  Along of our friendships I also discovered something about her good behavior, how she fight her life for her family.  But despite of some good things I've noticed there are some characteristic that I really felt dismay.  

    Anyways, being betrayed is one of a reason why I become more careful in choosing a friend, I put boundaries to protect myself.  I believe these circumstances happened to me lately, are part of my refinery and maturity.

     Unfortunately, when my birth month was approaching, I ended up in the situation of being bitterness due to the unfaithfulness of a friend. This is the most downfall birthday that I had; I suffered physically and emotionally. I wasn't able  to protect myself and never been wise in dealing some transactions from her. I realized that the TRUST, INTEGRITY and CREDIBILITY i worked for a long time, was in trouble. Facing this kind of dilemma made me vulnerable. 

I don't know what I gonna do, as maybe people been involved in the said scenario.  Do I need to choose my integrity? or to protect someone who is in trouble? I decided to obey the words I heard from them, though, it was against my heart,  “white lies”, is a word of saving someones dignity. In this stage, I thank my bosses for their brain storming, helping me and comforting me in my helpless spot. 

     Once in our life, we don’t know what happened or why all this thing happened to us.

   Sometimes, we become the subject and willing victim, that caused us to destruction and we never noticed that our positive journey should be affected.  In life, we need to learn the lesson, and be settled of what we believed.  I affirm that our wisdom can help us to overcome every complication we are facing in our progress of ability.  The most important is we value to learn more from every mistakes we have.  

    Enjoy reading and thank you so much for catching your time reading a Maiden’s Testimony.!  💖 

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